TAC Talks
A collection of TAC Talks on the topic of mental health and / or substance use challenges
The information in these resources are of high value, but may not reflect the language of the National Family Support Technical Assistance Center and the National Federation of Families.
My loved one is self-medicating. What should I do?
This is a video for family members and the workforce to understand complex behavioral health challenges and support systems.
Learning objectives:
Define co-occurring diagnoses.
Describe risk factors.
Identify the steps that make up an evaluation.
Explain what integrated care is.
What can I do to manage loss?
Loss is something we will all experience at some point in our lives. This video will discuss loss, seeking support and provide you with resources.
Learning Objectives:
Define types of loss.
Discuss symptoms of loss and grief.
Discuss the importance of taking care of yourself.
Discuss ways to seek support.
Connect you to resources.
Harm Reduction: Reducing the Risks of Substance Use
Harm reduction is a compassionate and practical approach for reducing harm or risks associated with substance use and improving quality of life. It’s a philosophy of inclusion, respect, collaboration, and choice. It is a way to support family and loved ones during a difficult time.
Learning Objectives:
Define harm reduction.
Describe how harm reduction can help reduce disease, overdoses, and death.
Identify tools and materials that can reduce the risks associated with substance use.
Are They Drinking? Recognizing the Signs of Teen Alcohol Use
This TAC talk will provide information about recognizing signs of possible alcohol use and resources if you believe your teen or transition age youth is drinking.
Learning Objectives:
Why does it matter?
What are signs of use?
What can parents/caregivers do?